Resources by Maurice England - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Maurice England

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Men of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study of Men in Scripture

Men of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study of Men in Scripture

by Ann Spangler, Robert Wolgemuth and Maurice England

Narrated by Maurice England

Men of the Bible offers both men and women a fresh way to read and understand the Bible--through the eyes and hearts of the men whose stories unfold in its pages.This unique book takes a close-up look at fifty-two men in Scripture--complex flesh-and-blood characters whose strengths and weaknesses will seem strangely similar to your own. Heroes and villains, … Read more…

Alone with God: Rediscovering the Power and Passion of Prayer

Alone with God: Rediscovering the Power and Passion of Prayer

by John MacArthur and Maurice England

Narrated by MacArthur, John

Embrace the Lord's Pattern for PrayerGod longs for us to spend time with Him. Yet while His invitation is extravagant, too often we struggle to spend even brief moments with our Heavenly Father. For some, action has replaced prayer. For others, requests can take priority over relationship, as we try to mold God to our desires. How did the simple act of p… Read more…

Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics

Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics

by Scott Rae and Maurice England

Narrated by Maurice England

Understanding the basis of making moral choices is crucial as society becomes increasingly complex. Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics gives college students a solid grounding in both theory of ethics and its applications to the social issues of today. Avoiding undue dogmatism, Professor Scott B. Rae outlines the distinctive elements of Christian ethic… Read more…

Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven: Exploring Worship as a Spiritual Discipline

Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven: Exploring Worship as a Spiritual Discipline

by Rory Noland and Maurice England

Narrated by Maurice England

Rory Noland addresses the challenges of Christian worship head-on, offering practical suggestions gleaned from Scripture on understanding and experiencing vibrant worship.The first half of Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven explores what it means to grow as a private worshiper. The practices of the psalmist David provide insight to help people worship God o… Read more…

God without Religion: Can It Really Be This Simple?

God without Religion: Can It Really Be This Simple?

by Andrew Farley and Maurice England

Narrated by Farley, Andrew

God without religion? Andrew Farley’s experience as a Christian was first characterized by self-effort as he tried to please God at any cost. His ruthless religion resulted in spiritual fatigue and disillusionment with church. Only then did he discover what relaxing in Jesus means and how enjoying God’s intimate presence can transform everyday li… Read more…

Questions to All Your Answers: The Journey from Folk Religion to Examined Faith

Questions to All Your Answers: The Journey from Folk Religion to Examined Faith

by Roger E. Olson and Maurice England

Narrated by Maurice England

“Jesus is the answer.”“God has a perfect plan for your life.”“All sins are equal.”Sayings like these may make catchy bumper stickers, but as deep, life-changing truths they fall short. They are the earmarks of “folk religion”—a badly distorted pop-Christianity that thrives on clichés and slogans and resists reflection and examination. Such… Read more…

Worshiping Artist: Equipping You and Your Ministry Team to Lead Others in Worship

Worshiping Artist: Equipping You and Your Ministry Team to Lead Others in Worship

by Rory Noland, Chuck From and Maurice England

Narrated by Chuck From and Maurice England

Whether you serve as a vocalist, instrumentalist, technician, dancer, actor, or in some other role, you know what a blessing it is to serve on your church’s worship team. But you also know that some days you’re more technically prepared than you are spiritually prepared for the ministry of leading others in worship. In the midst of rehearsals, setup, and… Read more…

Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends

Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends

by Eugene Peterson, Eugene H. Peterson and Maurice England

Narrated by Eugene Peterson and Maurice England

An illuminating example of friendship as a vital way God answers our need for guidance, encouragement, affirmation, and correction.Most of the time, what we need to help us through the struggles in our lives is not the advice of an expert but the wisdom of a friend. Through this series of eloquent letters written to a life-long friend, author Eugene Peterson… Read more…

Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture-Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel

Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture-Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel

by Tony Campolo, Brian D. McLaren and Maurice England

Narrated by Maurice England

If you’re brave enough to take an honest look at the issues facing the culture–controlled church–and the issues in your own life–read on. Do you ever look at how the Christian faith is being lived out in the new millennium and wonder if we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing? That we still haven’t quite “gotten it”? That we’ve mi… Read more…

Verily, Verily: The KJV - 400 Years of Influence and Beauty

Verily, Verily: The KJV - 400 Years of Influence and Beauty

by Jon Sweeney, Maurice England and Stefan Rudnicki

Narrated by Maurice England and Stefan Rudnicki

As historian Tony Lane once noted, without the King James Version of the Bible, it can be speculated that, there would be no Paradise Lost … no Pilgrim’s Progress … no Negro spirituals … no Gettysburg Address. And even though today there are more accurate and contemporary translations of the Bible, the KJV reigns supreme in the English-speaking world… Read more…

Church: Why Bother?

Church: Why Bother?

by Philip Yancey, Eugene H. Peterson and Maurice England

Narrated by Eugene H. Peterson and Maurice England

Insights from Philip Yancey's personal pilgrimage away from and back to the church—what made him walk away, and what drew him back.Why are there so many more professing Christians than churchgoing Christians? Is it because something is wrong with the church?In his candid, thought-provoking manner, award-winning author Philip Yancey reveals the reas… Read more…

Where Is God When It Hurts?

Where Is God When It Hurts?

by Philip Yancey and Maurice England

Narrated by Maurice England

Gold Medallion Book Award Winner. Over a million copies sold.An inspirational classic for more than thirty years,?Where Is God When It Hurts??honestly explores pain—from physical wounds to emotional and spiritual pain—and sheds new light on God's presence in our suffering."How can a loving God allow this to happen? God is either all-loving or… Read more…

(Number of titles: 172)